Proximus: a new purchase flow
Proximus is a telecommunication and ICT company with activity in Belgium and the international market; providing services to consumers, companies and the public sector.
As one of the leading Belgian suppliers of telephony, internet, tv and network based ICT services; they provide their customers with access to their digital services and data at any time and any place.
The goal
Last year, the website and webshop of Proximus have been renewed; together with an adapted purchase flow. Humix was asked to further optimize this new purchase flow; and to adapt the flow based on the needs of the end users.
An expert evaluation and user tests were set in place to identify the problems and issues in the current flow. The next step was an optimized flow based on the user feedback and recommendations.
What we did
After an expert evaluation and a thorough research of the website, several task scenarios were set up. 12 test persons were asked to carry out these tasks; each with a different background and experience level.
While finishing the tasks, they were observed and requested to think aloud. This way we could pinpoint the problems throughout the flow.

The result was a list with observations. For each observation, Humix also made a specific recommendation. By listing the observations and recommendations, the point which needed improvement became clearly visible; providing a solid base before starting on the wireframes.
During the next step, Humix started working on the new purchase flow with some needed adaptations. Not only the sequence of the screens was changed; also the content on each screen was adapted to the needs of the user. In collaboration with the Proximus team, the final wireframes were designed; and summarized in a document with annotations.
The results
Thanks to extensive user testing, the improvement points within the process became clear. That way, wireframes could be developed showing the flow and structure of the purchase process.
Next steps
Using the finished wireframes and report with annotations; the Proximus team will be able to brief the development team. The first adaptations to the flow were already well received by their users!